SCA Pelican Temporal Rings

SCA Pelican Temporal Rings
for a Modern 12th Century Rus Persona

Inspired by
12th Century Bulgarian Bilyarskaya Duck Temporal Rings


Historically, the Medieval Rus and their European neighbors wore ornaments that denoted specific ethno-social markers. This project was intended to emulate that cultural practice for a modern Rus Persona living in a fantasy Medieval Kingdom. The design elements are thus based on the ethno-social markers of the Society’s Noble Order of the Pelican; the Pelican in her piety, and the Goutte de Sang (Drop of Blood), while recalling the design elements of the original 12th century articles.

 INSPIRATION - Bulgarian Bilyarskaya Duck Temporal Rings

In Eastern Europe, and Northern and Central Asia, there is a cosmogonic story, wherein the Creator is portrayed as a white гоголь <gogol, diving duck>. The white gogol floats on the primordial sea with his companion, a black gogol (Satanail). 

The white gogol commands the black gogol to dive deep into the sea and bring back a lump of mud. The mud is the “seed of the Earth”, and is spread upon the waters to become the earthly world.

There are numerous variations of this world creation story. Sometimes, instead of the two gogols there are three primal figures, and sometimes there is only one. In some stories, the primal figures are something other than a duck, but typically, one is still a bird[1].

A different creation story (Kalevala[2]) describes a duck laying 6 gold eggs which transform into the earth, the water, the air, the sun, the moon and the stars.


FIG 1: Temporal ring with a bird figure.
Ostensibly XII century.
Bilyarskaya - Volga Bulgarian design
 Mokryye Kurnali
Tatarstan, Alekseevsky District, Russia.
It could be said that this Bulgarian temporal ring is adorned not only with the powerful cosmogonic central figure of the duck carrying the ball of mud in its beak, but additionally, the three beads on the ring and the three suspended on chains below, could symbolize the 6 gold eggs of the creation story.

It has also been suggested that the duck, which flies in the sky, walks on the earth, and swims in the water is a symbol of the world in the three elements; the firmament, the earth, and the depths of the water, and that these are the symbols displayed by the three beads on the ring and the three pendant beads.[3]

Such ornaments are thought to be an ethno-social marker of the Volga-Bulgarian nobility[4].

[1] Igor (Vyatka, Russia) “Tatars”.
[2] Lönnrot Elias, Martin John (translator), Rune I.
[4] Belavin A.M. English Summary page 268.

FIG 2: Temporal Ring with Bird Figure.
XII Century
The National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan
Tatarstan, Russia

FIG 3:  Set of Temporal Rings with bilyarskaya golden duck –
Ostensibly XII Century
Treasure from the Samara Luka
Stavropolsky District, Samara Oblast, Russia
"Samara Regional Museum of Local History. P.V. Alabina"
KP-26703 / 1, 2


In the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA, Society), it is conceivable for a creation story to begin with the Pelican. She who worked tirelessly and joyfully to bring together the three original Peerages and eventually also the Royal Peers of the Society.

The Pelican in her Piety is an ancient symbol of self-sacrifice and charity. She is the Society’s symbol of peerage level service. Individuals whose actions are deemed the quintessence of service, grace, and joy, are recognized by the Kings and Queens of all of the Known World Kingdoms, with Royal invitation to become a Peer and join The Noble Order of the Pelican.

FIG 4:  Pelican in her Piety


These old earrings, discovered on E-bay, spoke their yearning to become the glorious centerpieces of a set of SCA Pelican Temporal Rings

FIG 5:  Old Silver Earrings
 with pendant pearls and set turquoise stones

In addition, beads were needed to place on the Temporal Ring and to hang below from chains. These two sets of silver beads, also found on E-bay, were selected.

FIG 6:  Old Silver with Gold-wash Beads

Additional materials needed:

§  Heavy wire for the ring,
§  Thin twisted wire, for the neck and attachments,
§  Chain,
§  Bead caps,
§  Tiny spiral spacer beads,
§  Two types of small beads to plug the holes on the largest beads,
§  Beads and four prong bead caps for the heads,
§  Red garnets (symbolizing blood drops) to replace the turquoise stones.
§  Red Glass “Drop” Beads 


FIG 7:  Building the Pelican Temporal Rings
Process Picture – Body Build

Attaching the head required carefully wrapping the twisted silver wire up the neck and around the beak. In emulating the original, the twisted wire continues out the top of the head and becomes a stabilizing attachment at the top of the ring.

FIG 8:  Building the Pelican Temporal Rings
Process Picture – Head Build

FIG 9:  Building the Pelican Temporal Rings
Process Picture – Ready for Garnets

Several sets of different sized garnets were ordered and tested, none of which fit the gem settings. Finally, Casting Epoxy Enamel Resin and a transparent red coloring agent were ordered, mixed up, and used to simulate gems. Tiny drops were also added to the settings near the feet area.

FIG 10:  Building the Pelican Temporal Rings
Process Picture – Epoxy simulating Blood Garnets

Instead of a bead in the mouth, a red glass “drop” bead symbolizing the An Tir Goutte de Sang is hung from the beak.

FIG 11:  Building the Pelican Temporal Rings
Process Picture – Red Glass “Drop” Bead in Beak


A bird figure with a drop of red on her breast is recognized by most Society members as a symbol of Pelican in her Piety. Thus when worn, these modern Temporal Rings are the ethno-social marker that the wearer is a member of the Order of the Pelican while still implying the adopted Persona of the 12th Century Rus culture.

FIG 13: Golden Duck Temporal Rings
As worn by Women near the temple
Rudenko K.A. - Bulgarian Gold - Filigree Temporal Suspensions
Pages 113 and 103

FIG 14:  Wearing the Pelican Temporal Rings

NOTE: Not every source speaks directly about the Duck Temporal Rings, but every source has at least one or more images of them.

Aleksandrovna Shalina Marina. "One day in Kazan" Journal Entry. "Samizdat" at the Moshkov Library 24 June 2011.

Belavin A.M. “Gold Temporal Rings with a Small Duck from the Perm Cis-Urals.” Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology) Vol.2 (16) 2016: Pages 260-269

Donina L.N., Suslova S.V. (Kazan, Russian Federation). “Technical and Technological Features of Kazan-Tatar Filigree: Retrospective Ethnic-Archeological Analysis.” Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology) Vol.4 (22) 2017: Pages 222-235

Faizrakhmanova Guzel. "Ibn Fadlan's Journey": unique exhibits and Soviet stamps : The advantages and disadvantages of a large-scale exhibition in the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Preserve” BUSINESS ELECTRONIC NEWSPAPER OF TATARSTAN. 26 Feb. 2106.

Fakhrutdinov R.R. (editor) “VOLGA BULGARIA” The Electronic Atlas of the Republic of Tatarstan


Igor (Vyatka, Russia), “Creation of the universe. Part II. Birds of heaven : Tatars” Consciousness and Personality: from the inevitably dead to the eternally alive Symbolism and mythology 28 Jun.2018

Khakimov Iskander (Editor) with staff of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan. “Tatarology : Volga Bulgaria”.

Kokorina N.A., Kuzminykh S.V. “Volga-Kamskaya Bulgaria” ENCYCLOPEDIA at

Kokorina N.A., Kuzminykh S.V. “BULGARIA VOLGA-KAMA” Great Russian Encyclopedia at

Lönnrot Elias, Martin John (translator) The Kalevala : RUNE I. BIRTH OF WAINAMOINEN. Crawford (1888)

“Medieval History of Tatarstan.” Ministry of Culture Republic of Tatarstan : NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN.

Museums of Russia. “Temporal earrings with ducks. Volga Bulgaria, 13th c. Middle Volga, Bulgars. Gold, granulate, scan”

Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. “Chapter 3-1. PROVIDES, THE FIRST KAABA WAS IN THE OLD TOWN BILLIAR, CLOSE TO KAZAN.” The Wonder of the World in Russia near Kazan.  AST Publisher, Astrel, 2013

Obydennikova Irina (Contact Guide) Excursion National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan Picture 2

Reichshtat Anton. “"1 day - 1 exhibit": temporal ring” together with the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. 12 Aug. 2017.

Rudenko K.A. NEW FIND OF GOLD ...  Jewelry craft of the Volga Bulgaria and the products of the Bulgarian circle - metropolis and periphery. Karacharov K.G. Administrator. 24 Dec 2010.

Rudenko K.A. БУЛГАРСКОЕ ЗОЛОТО - ФИЛИГРАННЫЕ ВИСОЧНЫЕ ПОДВЕСКИ (Bulgarian Gold - Filigree Temporal Suspensions). Ministry of Culture Republic of Tatarstan Kazan 2011.

Rudenko Konstantin. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan “The Bulgarian "animal style" of the 10th - early 13th century in decorative arts and crafts (Collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan). “Material for the forum Animal Style in the Museums Collections - National Museum of the Republic of Komi" 15 Jan. 2012.
